
Me Climb

Welcome to Blissful Eating! My name is Morgan Marie and I love living a gluten-free, vegan life for vibrant health! I absolutely adore food and find so much joy in the creation of and indulgence in delicious, plant-based masterpieces.

Here’s a little bit of my background; In June of 2011, I graduated with my bachelor’s from the University of Oregon with departmental honors writing a thesis about how the common American diet affects cancer risk. Throughout 2011, I volunteered my time as a Gerson home caregiver in Eugene, Oregon and Pattaya, Thailand, and took classes at the Gerson Institute in San Diego. Gerson Therapy is a nutrition-based therapy that is used to heal a multitude of diseases, most popularly being cancer, by focusing on healing the immune system first. In 2012, I worked as an assistant to the raw foods caterer Amira’s Organic Rawsome on Oahu, Hawaii and from there realized my deep passion for gorgeous raw foods. I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a certified Holistic Health Coach and certified Drugless Practitioner in the Spring of 2013.

In my personal life I love experimenting with raw food and orchestrating group juice cleanses. I have a deep sense of gratitude for the way plant foods have healed my life. I grew up a very confused, frustrated, depressed, obese teen. I tried every diet I could. It was so painful to feel so out of control and so hopelessly unable to be thin. Nothing ever worked, no matter how hard I tried over the course of ten years. Weight-loss was a confusing, never-ending game! Where was the key? Where was the cheat sheet?! And now that I look back at the way I was conditioned to think, it’s no wonder! But that’s a conversation in itself…

When I took dairy out of my diet, I no longer had the ear problems that prevented me from going deeper than 10 feet underwater and made me feel like my eardrums were going to explode whenever I took a flight. When I took gluten out of my life, my arms lost their bumps (keratosis pilaris), my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) went away, my brain fog lifted, and I naturally lost weight and bloating. Once I removed all animal products and gluten from my diet, I thought more clearly, I was considerably happier, I ate without feeling guilty, I didn’t have to struggle to be fit, and I thrived in the freedom I had never experienced before with food. It’s the kind of feeling that makes you want to cry out of happiness.

I want to share this lifestyle with the world because it changed my life forever, in the best way possible. I am no longer desperate and confused. I not only found the map; I found the chest filled with more treasure than I knew existed at the end!

Today I work as a personal chef & cleanse consultant in person and online. I travel around the world to personally introduce my clients to the phenomenal benefits of raw foods and cleansing, and I also sell cleanse programs to them online. Some clients have me cook whole food, vegan, gluten-free dishes, some want to try out a gourmet, high raw lifestyle, and others book me to put them on a cleanse. My ultimate goal is to host bountiful raw food retreats twice a year in the Hawaiian Islands.

Take a look at my holistic health coaching website for more information at http://www.morganmariehealth.com.

Take a journey with me as I explore my favorite recipes, experiences, holistic health remedies, life & home improvements, and discoveries that have led to a more blissful and fulfilling life. Always feel free to email me at MorganMarieHealthCoaching@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments.

My Mission:

I believe that together we can significantly reduce the occurrence of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease in the United States and the world by providing resourses to individuals who want to change their health and by creating a norm where health and vibrance is just a happy side-effect of the common lifestyle.

My mission is to begin with individual people. I want to explode their worlds with what true health and wellness can do for them. I want to take people who are facing the desperation and confusion that I did for 10 years of my life as a preteen, teenager, and college student and show them the light. I want to show them that there is a way to being fit and unequivocally happy. There is a way to lose weight and be healthy.

I want to be the catalyst for the good people of this world to find the joy in having a multitude of health-promoting tools in their arsenal, some of these tools being cleanses, raw foods, and fun, social, active hobbies. I want them to create a baseline of a healthful lifestyle, and know exactly how to get back after having a naughty meal or two.

I want farmers markets, organic foods, and plant-rich diets to become normal. I want the United States to be known for being all organic and for being a fruits & vegetables-loving nation. I want healthful foods like fruits and vegetables to be subsidized, so that people with a limited food budget are not coaxed into buying soda, chips, and junk food to feed their families. Let’s turn our image, habits, and health around!

I want to build healthful communities because of the pleasure and health that they amplify. I want activities that involve movement to be the extracurricular activities that we all do with our friends. I want raw foods to no longer be a fringe food just because they are misunderstood. I want potlucks to be filled with zucchini pastas, vegetable tacos, marinated mushrooms, cauliflower tabboulehs, smoothies and fruit platters because it’s what people love to eat. I want the birthday cake tradition to become a berries and coconut cream tradition, or maybe a chocolate avocado mousse tradition, or raw apple pie tradition.

I especially want this so that our children and our future can grow up in a healthy environment, knowing the delicious tastes of fruit and vegetables, craving them, knowing how to prepare them, and never having had the chance to become addicted to refined sugar, fast food restaurants, and salty, fatty snacks. I want to stop the problem of obesity before it starts in a child’s life by surrounding them with healthful foods, traditions, advertisements, and examples (i.e. with their parents and surrounding friends & family promoting this way of life too). I don’t want another child to have to struggle with the battle that I have had to, with food addiction, eating disorders, desperation, self-loathing, and feelings of helplessness.

I want to flip this world upside-down to where the people who love natural, wholesome, healthful, clean foods and fun, active recreation become the majority. I want the nasty, fatty foods that are normal today to become the fringe foods. I want gluten-free, dairy-free, “plant-full” foods to be ubiquitous, and for all others to be what is hard to find. I want watching TV and drinking beer after work to become hiking, walking, or biking with a delicious smoothie treat.

And what ever happened to playing tag or baseball in the street? We can still do that as adults, can’t we?


Is my vision your vision too? Join me in my quest to change the world, and stop the hurt and pain that is coming from our huge disease epidemic. We can fight it with good foodfun activitiescommunity, and love!

Find your bliss and live it my friends.

My Signature2Love,

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award – have a look at my blog for the rules if you’d like to accept .. and thank you for the inspiration! 🙂

  2. I know I am SO SO SOOOO incredibly late in accepting this, but I just want to say, thank you so so so much from the bottom of my heart for nominating me! You have given me such an amazing boost of confidence! And oh my gosh your website is amazing!!!

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